I'm currently studying English Language and Creative Writing at University and you've probably already realised that I'm a slight football nut. 

I've decided to combine hobby with study and with the anniversary of the Hillsborough disaster approaching I've written a free verse poem about the disaster. 

For those who know poetry you'll probably already know this but free verse means it's a bit different, doesn't really have a rhyming pattern or rhythm and can be written quite snappily to create emotion etc. Also the structure is a bit crazy for effect. 

As a Forest fan who does like Liverpool the Hillsborough disaster is something very close to my heart. My grandfather was in the Forest end on the day and it changed his view on football from then. Not many people need telling of the devastating effects it had on the world, but for those who don't know, 96 people lost their lives in a crush at Hillsborough football stadium. 

Controversy does surround the topic but this poem is NOT to create arguments, to start war or anything of the sort. It's purely something which I wanted to write and share with my audience. Thank you and I hope you enjoy it. 

RIP to the 96: YNWA


On fields               live dreams
 hearts thrive
love solid,

 for it

the game.

And they say
it’s a sign,                            the weather.
But sunshine
bought the cold,
formed clouds
began storms,
to rage on,
Over fields of dreams
the rain came,
crashing down
on hearts.
The hearts collided-
red against red.

The passion ruled it-

It’s not a game they said.
"Life and death";
they didn't mean it.

It happened.

Point fingers and place blame.

Curse                 shout                   cry.
Then grieve.

It’s not a game,
it is life and death

It is.        Trust me.

Lives changed
families broke
               dreams   s h a t t e r e d,

But it’s not just a game,
Its life
And it goes on

No life                   With no pain
No loss                  With no hurt

It continues-
 never full time
                just like memories.
memories remain.

pay mid-April respects
                pray for unanswerable answers
                                But first…
let them rest

So life can continue         for it
the game.

Love still solid,
hearts still thrive
        dreams still made         
on fields

like Anfield Road.

But It’s just a game. 


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