
Showing posts from June, 2015

Misconception of Depression

Depression. It's a word that is very romanticised in some ways. There are so many cases of the word being flung about for any situation that may suit. Some use it as an excuse to act in certain ways and some exaggerate it to gain attention that is so badly craved. However, believe it or not, some actually genuinely mean it when they say that they have depression. In actual fact, 350 million people suffer with depression world wide- and for those people, coming out and saying it doesn't come as easy as you think.  Whether people understand depression or not, everyone knows that the word depression comes with labels, labels that sufferers don't want to be associated with or judged by. Often, people spend so long in denial of depression that they make themselves worse, trying to avoid the labels and to try and avoid the upset that they may, or in their minds, probably will inflict on other people.   There are a million articles and blogs written by nume...