The Beautiful Game

The title says it all really. The beautiful game- football. Now this blog isn't going to review games or predict the season ahead, nor is it going to scrutinize or praise teams. This blog is purely to give football fans something to relate to. It's very often said that the passion a person has for a football club is something which you can't actually explain, but despite this fact, we as football fans will spend our whole lives trying to explain it anyway. For those who don't quite "get" football, our passion is ludicrous, over the top, pathetic is another word I've heard to describe it. I suppose this blog can be written to show these people what passion for football is all about. Now don't get me wrong, football isn't our lives. It is however a huge part of it. Football fans don't tend to go more than a day before checking up on Sky Sports News or reading up on new transfer rumors, managers being sacked or media speculations. I...