New year, new everything...

It's safe to say that when I sat down to start writing this blog, I had no idea how I would even begin. It is a yearly tradition for me to sum up the past 12 months, mainly as a form of expression, but also as a way of me looking back each year and seeing how far everything has come. But, this year, how do I even begin to say what 2018 has been to me? Well firstly, it has been challenging. It has. I can't hide from the fact that the personal challenges that I have faced this year have been difficult, but I have also had to see people close to me make some tough choices too. As someone who places friendships and family high on their priorities, this has been difficult to watch. Primarily, this year I have felt a very harsh deterioration of a relationship. It wasn't meant to be, and I accept that. The difficulty as many people will know is moving on from it. My closest few will know a little about my sufferings over the years and to feel another blow in what was a progr...